Parcel delivery is the cornerstone of the fast-growing e-commerce industry, domestically and cross-border. European postal operators offer a wide range of delivery services with high quality and at affordable prices. Every year, we deliver 4 billion parcels ordered online or sent to friends and families across Europe.
Following the vote, Jean-Paul Forceville, Chairman of PostEurop commented:
“Today’s TRAN vote recognizes the highly competitive nature of the parcel delivery market in Europe – domestically and cross border. Positive changes have been introduced, e.g. the TRAN committee has decided to delete the provision granting unconditional access to postal delivery networks for third party operators and leave it up to the market and commercial negotiations. However, PostEurop urges consistency and proportionality with respect to affordability checks. PostEurop now looks towards the European Parliament and the Estonian Presidency to ensure the future Regulation minimizes administrative burdens and reflects market conditions in the parcel delivery sector”.
PostEurop is the trade association representing European national postal operators, which are either partially state-owned or used to be state-owned. It has 52 members in 49 countries.
European postal operators are present in all 28 EU Member States and in EEA countries. They serve 175,000 retail outlets, employ 2 million people, operate 600,000 access points and account for 1 percent of the EU’s entire GDP (PostEurop industry figure,
Parcel delivery is a cornerstone of the fast-growing e-commerce industry, domestically and cross-border, and a crucial pillar of the EU’s Digital Single Market. Postal operators connect SMEs and e-retailers with citizens across Europe – from London to Bucharest, from Lapland to the Greek islands.
Every year, e-retailers and customers deliver 4 billion parcels through the post to their customers, friends and families across Europe. This represents 11 million parcels a day, on average. Many more parcels are also delivered through the many alternative providers competing with postal operators.
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