Poste Italiane signed a three-year (renewable for a further two years) agreement with Amazon for the delivery of e-commerce products in Italy. The agreement aims to enhance services to customers thanks to an enriched product range featuring a variety of delivery solutions, including evening (until 7:45 p.m.) and weekend deliveries.
Poste Italiane will provide the service via its extensive presence throughout the country, thanks to over thirty thousand postwomen and postmen involved in delivery activities, the express courier SDA and MistralAir, the Group’s air carrier.
In line with the Deliver 2022 strategic plan, this agreement with Amazon takes full advantage of the flexibility of the new Joint Delivery model, active since April and currently being rolled out.
Thanks to this agreement, Poste Italiane will accelerate e-commerce development in Italy, with positive impacts on technology investments and creating new jobs. In fact, by 2020, the number of employees involved in parcel logistics will reach 10,000.
Source: Poste Italiane