AddressPal enables Irish customers to shop on UK and US websites that don’t deliver to Ireland – or which charge through the roof for shipping.
Almost 200,000 Irish shoppers have signed up at, choosing to have their shopping delivered to a home or work address or to pick it up at their local post office. More than 70 per cent of AddressPal parcels originate in the UK, though US volumes are growing steadily.
Also this week, AddressPal clinched the Retail Customer Access Award at the prestigious World Post & Parcel Awards in London. An Post was the only Irish company to feature in an arena filled with global mail and parcels companies and multi-nationals including Canada Post, Spain’s Correos and Saudi Post
“Being recognised on the world stage for innovation in this sector is a great win for us – it’s just a year since we revamped our parcels business,” says Garrett Bridgeman, MD of An Post Mails & Parcel. “We’ve just signed contracts to deliver for French sports giant Decathlon, as well as European mail companies Ascendia and Hermes and we’re talking to several more big fashion brands and mail consolidators.
It’s the most competitive of sectors and Ireland is a rapidly growing e-commerce market so winning and retaining business depends on great quality, innovation and attention to both the sending and receiving customer”.
Source: An Post