Europe has turned into a continent of online shoppers during the corona crisis. Since the beginning of the current contact restrictions, 57 percent of European consumers shop online more than ever. About one in three Europeans (30 percent) are spending more money on virtual experiences.
Ever since the corona virus Covid-19 hit Europe, people are shopping and spending online more than ever. There’s a 36 percent increase in consumers shopping for essentials online. Buying books has grown 32 percent, while hair places (19 percent) and fitness equipment such as dumbbells and yoga mats (13 percent) have also shown a significant increase.
This is shown in a study done by Fly Research among 12,500 adults across 15 different countries in Europe. It also reveals that in a time where we need to be at home more, people are using this extra time indoors to learn new skills online. For example, 37 percent started with online banking, while 28 percent learned how to get their medicines online.
28 percent of Europeans learned how to get their medicines online.
And one in ten Europeans are learning to code, while 7 percent are taking their time to learn how to play a musical instrument. And 14 percent even followed online guides to cut their hair, now most hair saloons have shut their doors.
The study also showed that the online shopping habits of consumers in Europe are now looking to mirror real life behaviors. Four in five people that can be defined as typical in-store bargain hunters are doing the same online, as they spend hours searching different ecommerce websites to find the best deals.
And 66 percent of the people who call themselves window shoppers say they are now regularly creating wish lists, while they don’t always but the stuff they want. The mirroring of real life behavior is also shown in the fact that half of new online shoppers say they remain loyal to physical retailers.
Half of new online shoppers remain loyal to physical counterparts.
Another finding is that 87 percent of respondents is careful about what and where they shop online. Two in three consumers are worried about becoming a victim of online fraud. That’s why 81 percent try to stick to familiar online retailers, while a similar share of people check different website and consumer reviews. And one in three will even contact a new or unknown retailer before they decide to purchase.
Source: Ecommerce News Europe